Bells arriving from Penzance on the Gry Maritha 6.30am 24/03/09

Bells being loaded onto Richard Hands lorry 

Bells arriving at the church, island parish filming 

Before the service with some of the benefactors present, Guy Scott & John Maybrey project coordinator

100+ People attended the service on a cold and windy evening 

Christening the new ring with locally brewed ale.

David helping to guide the Tenor in. 

Chris gives Kate lots of encurragment. 

Ah, here it comes. 

Last couple of feet.

View from the viewing platform, Tenor in the far corner with the gallows end frame. Bit of a tight squeeze.

Bells being unloaded 

John Pawley standing next to his bell "Henry" 

All the bells neatly lined up ready for the hallowing 

Mrs. Maybrey standing with the 2nd full of various "Narcissi"

David & 2 helpers carrying the 2nd into the Church pavilion for the party.

Rev. Guy has another pint!! 

Tenor inside, door closed. 

Rev. Guy's turn to do some work.

Tenor now going through the ringing room.

This is a picture of the third in place. 

This picture shows one of the 8 clock chiming hammers, which can also be programmed to ring methods like stedman triples.

Rev. Guy Scott inspecting the delivery 

Bells in transit in Hugh Street 

Now decorated ready for the hallowing service, treble bell lifted for chiming 2nd upturned and full of flowers 

David Maybrey chimes the treble each time Rev. Guy Scott blesses a bell with Holy water and also make a sign of the cross with sacred oils.  

David being filmed by Aiden for "Island Parish" 

Richard Hand lifting the Tenor "Diana" into the open door at the base of the tower. 

Kate Scott helping with the hauling of the Tenor up the tower while Chris Venn looks on. 

Come on Guy put your back into it. 

Nearly there.

Looking through the bell frame, in the pit of the 2nd, Treble is the bell you can see.

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